Something's Coming!

For weeks, I've had a sense of a major transition ahead of me. Kinda like the song in "West Side Story" - SOMETHIN'S COMIN'. A huge shift after years of learning to live authentically and integratively from my heart rather than just from my thinking-thinking-thinking head.

Tonight's eclipse that actually starts tomorrow (how cool that it starts on the other side of the international date line and makes its way back to today!) echoes my feeling that it's time for a new story to begin. Time for a new door to open. And, that newness is most readily explored and identified through CREATIVE IMAGINATION. Yep, I didn't make that up. Those are the words used by astrologers. Fer realz.

My book, "Me, Myself, and I ~ 28 Days of Creative Self-Love," is a product of my evolution into a heart-felt, creativity-connected life. Since its inception thirteen months ago, I've challenged myself to live even more closely aligned with my passions and my sense of purpose. Some days go swimmingly well. Others, well, let's just say my monkey mind still needs some training.

I know I can do better. BE better. Give more time to creative imagination. Live in heart space that includes taming my monkey mind, doing less, and b-e'ing more. Allowing myself to doodle and paint despite my internal Andrew Carnegie pulling out his pad and pencil to balance my checkbook. Fifteen or thirty minutes of sitting quietly and connecting with That Which Is as an investment in my own evolution that, more often than not, leads to more abundance, not less.

And now, the galaxy is demonstrating that it's time to connect to the unseen realms my undivided attention. Time to engage with my creative imagination through art, music, writing, dance--whatever feels right--to gain a clearer understanding of the door I want to be opening. Time to envision the next chapter in my life's story. Time to release dammed up stagnations that prevent complete healing and unblocked expression.

I invite you to join me for this auspicious opportunity to do some inner exploration. Spend time in the next few days connecting with your own creativity and imagination. Imagine the new story you want to be living, the new door you want to open. YOU get to decide what's on the other side of that door. YOU get to determine how your own story goes, the one in which you are the empowered hero, rather than the hopeless victim.

Settle into some quiet space. What do you want to see blossom from the seeds you've planted along the path of your life? How can you go from SCARED living into SACRED living? Ask these and other questions in the deep richness of silence and stillness and see what answers float to the surface.

The door is unlocked. The story is ready. Now is the time, the heavens are telling us.

A Daily Dose of Creative Self-Love

Isn’t it wonderful that Valentine’s comes in February, right smack in the middle of winter (for those of us in the northern hemisphere)? It’s a perfect time to thaw our frozen hands, feet, and hearts and to move us ahead into more self-love.

Actually, my book, “Me, Myself, & I ~ 28 Days of Creative Self Love” ( was inspired by Valentine’s Day. Even if we’re in the throes of a fabulous relationship, there’s always room to love ourselves more than we already do. And, for some of us…well, there’s a first time for everything!

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If you’ve read my book, you already know it’s chockful of insights and wisdom about how to begin your journey toward self-love. At the end of each day, there are affirmations, journaling exercises, and activities to get your creative juices flowing (ergo, the “creative” part of self-love). Woven into every page are photos, artwork, and songs that help you connect to daily topics. To quote one comment I received on the book, “It’s a lot!”

It is indeed a lot. In fact, you could spend way more than 28 days pouring through it and gleaning every nugget and tidbit it contains. You could listen for hours to the YouTube playlist or spend quite a while browsing the art gallery. And, I hope you do!

It may be, though, you don’t have hours to spend on creativity right now, much less on learning to love yourself. Believe me, I completely understand. That’s why I’m creating something called, “The Daily Dose” for the month of February. In 30 minutes or less, you can get a thimbleful of information from each day’s topic at 9pm via Periscope livestream (download the smartphone app), find the podcasts on this website, via links to it on social media outlets, and on

Every one of us needs a daily dose of self-love, don’t we?! Less than thirty minutes of learning to love yourself just a little bit more. You can afford it (it’s free). You’re worth it (really). No doubt, you deserve it. Lock yourself in the bathroom, hide under the covers, or sit in your car if you need to claim some solitary space. Bring some paper and a pen for notes. And, tune in wherever you can. Whenever you can.

Take a daily dose of something that’s really good for you. No long list of side effects except for more joy, more laughter, and, hopefully, more love for the most important person in your life—you!